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Branston Church of England Infant Academy

'The Best We Can Be'


The Intent of Art and Design at Branston C of E Infant Academy

The Art and Design curriculum at Branston C of E Infant Academy supports children to become artists, helping them to express the world around them through a variety of different mediums such as drawing, sculpture, painting, and printing. Children are provided with a whole variety of different experiences from EYFS through to KS1 so that they can communicate and express their thoughts, ideas, and emotions using colour, texture, pattern, and form.


The Implementation of Art and Design at Branston C of E Infant Academy

At Branston C of E Infant Academy, Art inspires our EYFS and KS1 children to express themselves and nurture their creative skills. Art is taught through a range of practical activities within a meaningful context, allowing children to explore famous artists, use a variety of art materials and work on different scales.


Our aim is that children will have broad experience of art mediums and begin to develop a sense of confidence in expressing themselves in using these. In EYFS children explore and use a variety of media and materials through a combination of child initiated and adult directed activities. Children have the opportunity to develop their creative skills daily when painting, junk modelling and drawing.


In KS1, the children use sketchbooks, which allows them to express themselves whilst studying artists, artwork, and techniques. The sequence of learning offers the pupils a wide range of creative opportunities: to make detailed observations and drawings; study and compare famous artist’s work; use a range of drawing skills and techniques with a range of media and thorough planning of a final piece. The progression of learning is maintained through revisiting skills and techniques taught in a systematic teaching approach.


The Impact of Art and Design at Branston C of E Infant Academy

Art is enjoyed and celebrated everywhere in our school! As artists, children are confident in their knowledge and application of a range of art techniques. They have had the opportunity to learn about and be inspired by several significant artists and cultures. Sketchbooks and classroom displays show a progression of skills across EYFS and KS1. The journey that the children take is clear in sketchbooks: showing how they have arrived at their unique final pieces. 
