Branston Church of England Infant Academy
'The Best We Can Be'
Welcome to Hedgehog Class.
Hedgehog Class is our Year 2 Class.
Class Teacher - Mrs Savage
Teaching Assistants - Mrs Hutton, Mrs Stephenson and Mrs Macdonald
We would like to warmly welcome you to Hedgehog Class. On our web page, you will find information about our class as well as all of our super learning.
Important Information
Reading is at the core of our learning at Branston Church of England Infant Academy. Throughout our school we promote a love of reading that will last a lifetime. Whether it be reading our class story to the whole class, the children reading to an adult or the children reading to each other, we recognise the importance of taking pleasure from a story and sharing that with our friends. Please fill in your child's Reading Record to record what they have read. We love to hear about your child's amazing reading!!
Homework will be set at the beginning of the term. There will be 9 activities for you to choose from: 3 English tasks, 3 Maths tasks and 3 topic tasks. Please choose 1 activity each week. Homework books are due in each week on Monday and will be returned to your child on Wednesday.
Our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday. Please can all children arrive in school wearing their PE kit on these days.
From Little Acorns
Our topic this term is From Little Acorns. The children will be investigating what plants need to grow, naming parts of plants as well as learning the name of a variety of common plants and trees.
The big question that we will be exploring this term is:
Do all plants need the same conditions to grow and stay healthy?
Our From Little Acorn topic is reflected in our English lessons. We will be delving into woodland and nature themed books to fuel our imagination to write our own versions of traditional tales and instructions about how to look after the environment. In Maths, we will begin the term by exploring multiplication and division, then we will learn about scales and capacity.
Through our Music lessons, the children will learn how to recognise different instruments from the orchestra and explore the sounds that they can make. In Art, we will be exploring different methods of printing to make tree art. We will be learning about the work of the artist William Morris and creating artwork inspired by this great artist.
This term, in our PE lessons, we will be focusing on gymnastics where the children will continue to work on their balance and agility, moving towards performing movements on and around apparatus.
Our topic in RE is ‘Life Journeys in Islam’. The children will be thinking about and exploring the big question: How do different Muslims celebrate and say thank you for the life of a new baby? The children will learn about the importance of community (ummah) in Islam and belonging to one community of Muslims worldwide. The children will learn how Muslims celebrate a new member of their community and that Muslims see the birth of a baby as a blessing and this new life is something that they give thanks for.
Our School Value
Our school value this term is forgiveness. Through our Collective Worships, we will be exploring what it means to forgive and understand why it is important to forgive people if they have upset us in some way. We will talk about how everyone makes mistakes and these mistakes can hurt others, or even ourselves. Then we need to forgive and accept someone’s apology. This way we can forgive and make a fresh start in order to move forward.
Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you - Ephesians 4:32
If we really want to love, we must learn how to forgive – Mother Theresa