Branston Church of England Infant Academy
'The Best We Can Be'
LAAT Local Governance – Academy Committee
Following a Trust-wide consultation in which proposals were put forward to change the way local governance operates within LAAT, a single model of governance was brought into effect from the 1st September 2022
Branston C of E Infant Academy now operates its governance as an Academy Committee.
The Scheme of Delegation allows the Academy Committee to:
In areas of finance and school standards, the Academy Committee will be aware of the position of the school through the QA reports (6 per year), information from the Headteacher, Signatures of Risk documents (termly) and the annual LAAT meeting.
Academy Committees will not be expected to monitor these as this is done by skilled School Effectiveness Advisers, in conjunction with peer visits.
Message from Mr Dale Brownless Chair of the Academy Committee at Branston Church of England Infant Academy
Hello and welcome to the Academy Committee area of our website
I am pleased to have been appointed as Chair of the Academy Committee at Branston Church of England Infant Academy.
As a school, we are proud to be part of the Lincoln Anglican Academy Trust and look forward to sharing in the Lincoln Diocesan vision of ‘Excellence, Encouragement and Enjoyment within the love of God’ for all our pupils’.
Our Academy Committee offers both support and challenge to the school in a number of ways, using our experience and skills from a variety of backgrounds.
We are here to promote high standards of educational achievement and share in the strategic development of our school Vision and Values creating the distinctive Christian ethos of which we are so proud.
We ensure our legal obligations are met in respect of ‘Keeping children safe’. Most of all we are here because we care deeply for our school and want it to succeed in all aspects of its life. We are committed to visiting the school on a regular basis and undertaking training, ensuring we are the ‘best we can be’ as we each fulfill our respective role within the scheme of delegation for our committee.
It is important to us that as parents you always feel welcome to visit our school. We depend on your co-operation, support and involvement in your child’s education together ensuring they have a happy, stimulating, safe and caring environment in which to learn. Look out for us at Parent Consultation evenings and other school events. We will be there!!
With warmest wishes
Dale Brownless
Chair of the Academy Committee at Branston Church of England Infant Academy
Academy Committee Members
Brabin-Smith, Lorna | Ex-Officio | Diocesan Board of Education | 11/04/2020 | 4 Years | RE/SIAMS | Governor at Potterhanworth Church of England Primary School |
Brownless, Dale | Parent | Local Council LAAT | 07/12/2020 | 4 Years | CHAIR Maths/English Safeguarding | None Declared |
Cook, Lianne | Headteacher | By virtue to post Local Council | 01/09/2020 | N/A | None Declared | |
Ives, Christopher | Community | Local Council LAAT | 02/11/2021 | 4 Years | VICE CHAIR Computing | None Declared |
Kinnaird, James | Community | LAAT | 08/03/2023 | 4 Years | Health & Safety | None Declared |
Savage, Claire | Staff | Local Council LAAT | 13/06/2021 | 4 Years | None Declared | |
Wilson, Janet | Foundation | Local Council LAAT | 17/09/2022 | 4 Years | PCC/Parish Links SEND/Pupil Premium | None Declared |
Four meetings of the Academy Committee are held per year, at which all members attend and have voting rights. In the case of a split vote the Chair of the Academy Committee will cast the deciding vote.
Additional committees/working parties will be formed as and when required depending on the needs of the school. All members attending these additional meetings will have voting rights.
Previous Local Council Members (within last academic year)
Dickin, Judith | Foundation | LAAT | 31/08/2023 |
Mason, Sacha | LAAT Appointed | Local Council LAAT | 07/03/2022 |
Clerk to the Academy Committee:
Charlotte Selway