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Branston Church of England Infant Academy

'The Best We Can Be'

Squirrel Class Year One & Two

Welcome to Squirrel Class!

Teacher: Mrs Sharpe


Support Staff: Mrs Daw


Key Information




Reading is a core aspect of the school curriculum. We ask that our children read to an adult at home regularly each week. Please record your child’s daily reading in their reading diary so that we can see how they are getting on. When they have read their book twice, then please encourage them to put it in the basket so that it can be changed.


It is important for the children to bring in their reading folder each day so that they are able to read to an adult in school.




Tuesday with Mrs Sharpe

Thursday with our PE Coach


Children are welcome to come to school on these days wearing their school PE kit. Please make sure that jumpers have been labelled with their names.




 Each term there will be 9 activities (3 Maths, 3 English and 3 Topic based activities) to choose from. We would like your child to complete one activity each week. By providing a range of tasks, we hope that you will be able to pick something each week which your child will find engaging as well as at the same time supporting their learning.  Homework books are to be handed in on a Monday each week and will be returned to your child on a Wednesday.  Please could all homework be completed in pencil. We really do look forward to looking at the children's homework each week. 



      Our Church School Value


        This term our core value is




Term Six


Our topic this term is Paws, claws and whiskers.





The Big Question Year One – Are all animals carnivores?

Key vocabulary – Herbivore, Carnivore, Omnivore, Canine, Molar, Incisor, Habitat, Predator, Prey.


The Big Question Year Two - What would happen to food chains if there were no plants?

Key vocabulary - Micro-habitat, Producer, Predator, Prey, Consumer, Herbivore, Carnivore, Omnivore, Food chain.


In Science children in Year One will be learning about what animals eat and how you can tell if an animal is a carnivore by looking at their features. In Year Two children will be thinking about animals’ habitats and how they use their environment to find their food. They will use this information to make simple food chains. In art we will be exploring the work of Michelle Reader and making sculptures using everyday materials. Children will use the skills they have learnt in art when making outfits using different materials for our school science day which will end in a fashion show to show off their amazing work. In Geography we will be looking at maps of the world and finding the continents and oceans. We will then do some field work using simple compass directions. In RE we will be looking at sacred spaces, what makes them special and what their key features are.


In English we will be reading Big People, Little Dreams – Jane Goodall. We will be writing non-chronological reports about her life and research.



In Maths we will be looking at position and direction linking in with our Geography topic. Naming different shapes and talking about their features. Year One will be looking at place value to 100 and Year Two will be collecting, presenting and answering questions about data as we think about statistics.


 So much to look forward to this term. I can’t wait to get started!
