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Branston Church of England Infant Academy

'The Best We Can Be'

Fox Class Year One

                            Fox Class                             

Hello and a big warm welcome to Fox's page!

Fox Class is our Year 1 Class.


Meet the Key Stage One Fox Class Team:


Teacher - Miss Heald 

Teaching Assistants - Mr Coy and Mrs Hutton



Year 1 begins the children's journey into Key Stage One. We make this transition from Reception (EYFS) into Year 1 and the next stage in your child's learning easier by supporting them with lots of hands on learning through our inspiring and creative curriculum.                                                                                                                       

In Fox Class we learn in a variety of ways, with a mixture of formal, practical and play based learning. Children take part in whole class, group and independent activities throughout the day.

We provide a safe and happy environment where pupils and teachers work together, share ideas and experiences and encourage one another to be the best that they can be!



Our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child comes dressed in their PE kit on these days.          Thank you! J  


Homework is set at the beginning of each term and there are 9 activities to choose from: 3 English, 3 Maths and 3 topic linked tasks. Each week please choose one activity to complete. Homework books are collected in on a Monday and returned on a Wednesday. 

We have so many fun and exciting activities planned for Foxes this year.

Term Three

London's Burning


Throughout the term we will keep referring back to our BIG Question.


Our BIG Question this term: 

Could the Great Fire of London have been prevented?



 Key vocabulary - fire, fire brigade, London, bakery, Pudding Lane, Samuel Pepys, King Charles II, terrace house, River Thames.


During the term the children will find out about The Great Fire of London. They will gain understanding of how the fire started and what the houses were like in this period. We will gather information from a range of texts, including a diary.  In Design and Technology the children will learn about the style of houses at the time of the fire. They will design and build a Tudor style house.

In Science the children start to explore and investigate different materials, what things are made of and test their properties.

In R.E the children we will be learning about Islam. In P.E the children will develop in balancing and agility to move in a various ways.


In English we will be sharing the following books and write a variety of reports.






    In maths we will be learning all about place value, addition and subtraction and multiplication and division. We will explore the mathematical symbols and understand how to write simple number sentences using strategies.




In PSHE the children will learn about what it means to be a good friend. 







As a school we share the same values:




Our value this term is Kindness






We are looking forward to a fantastic year of learning lots of new things, making friends and having fun! We will be sharing with you all the lovely things that happen in our Year 1 class so please keep visiting our website, ClassDojo and Twitter page throughout the year to find out what we are enjoying learning about. 




