Branston Church of England Infant Academy
'The Best We Can Be'
At Branston C of E Infant Academy, our bespoke curriculum has been carefully planned by our skilled teachers and leaders to unlock potential in all our children. Our strong Christian values underpin our vision, that all children will flourish in our care as they strive to become ‘The Best They Can Be’.
Our curriculum underpins this vision, consistently setting high expectations, striving for excellence in all curriculum areas. This is achieved by ensuring that the cohesively planned curriculum we offer builds children’s knowledge and skills over time, carefully placing units of work in a well-designed sequence to ensure children are given time to revisit concepts multiple times during the three informative years they spend with us.
Our curriculum is broad and balanced and thrives on enriching children through a variety of inspiring experiences, such as wow days, workshops, visitors and visits ensuring that all pupils, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds, thrive during their time with us, raising aspirations for all our children.
Our broad and balanced curriculum is designed to meet the needs of all our children, offering equality and equity for pupils with additional needs and disabilities. The link below will direct you to our SEND Local Offer. This details how we support pupils with SEND to ensure they receive a full curriculum offer.
Our EYFS curriculum is driven by the Development Matters guidance, as children work towards the Early Learning Goals. In Key Stage One, our bespoke curriculum is rooted in the National Curriculum. We are a Read Write Inc school and are proud of our fidelity to this scheme to deliver our phonics and reading curriculum. Our Maths curriculum based on the NCETM Mastering Number Program and White Rose Maths.
As a school we place a great deal of emphasis and value on our EYFS curriculum and our foundation subjects are all rooted in the knowledge and experiences our children gain during their time in EYFS. In EYFS, children follow a progressive curriculum which follows three overarching themes, ‘Ourselves’, ‘Our Community’ and finally ‘Our World’. This concept of securing children in the familiar before extending their knowledge and skills, is continued into Key Stage One.
In Key Stage One, we follow a two-year planning cycle. We ensure that each unit of work is purposefully placed to grow children’s knowledge so they know more and remember more over time. We introduce an enquiry-based approach through termly ‘BIG Questions’. Our ‘BIG Questions’ are driven by one of three subjects: History, Geography or Science. Our overarching themes and enquiry questions are mapped out below. All other subjects are taught alongside these themes.
| Autumn One | Autumn Two | Spring One | Spring Two | Summer One | Summer Two |
2022/24 |
EYFS | All About Me Our Bodies Our Families Autumn Our Homes Christmas | Winter People Who Help Us Transport Farms Special Place Spring Holy Week | Under the Sea Space Jungles Dinosaurs Growing Summer | ||||
| Wonderful Me! | UK Explorers | London’s Burning | From Little Acorns | Magnificent Mexico | Marvellous Minibeasts |
CYCLE A 2022/23 | Key Stage One | Why are Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole still remembered today?
[History Focus] | What makes London our capital city?
[Geography Focus] | Could the Great Fire of London have been prevented?
[History Focus] | Do all trees lose their leaves?
[Science Focus] | Where in the world is Mexico?
[Geography Focus] | (Y1)What is a minibeast and are they all herbivores? (Y2) How does a minibeasts habitat support its food chain? [Science Focus]
| Brilliant Branston | Fossil Hunters | A Castle fit for a King | Seeds, Soil & Sunshine | Amazing Africa | Paws, Claws & Whiskers |
CYCLE B 2023/24 | Key Stage One | What are the geographical features in the village of Branston?
[Geography Focus] | What did Mary Anning’s discoveries tell us about the past and why is she still remember today? [History Focus] | Why did William the Conqueror choose Lincoln to build a castle?
[History Focus] | (Y1) Why is each part of a plant important and how do the seasons affect them? (Y2) Do all plants need to same conditions to grow and stay healthy? [Science Focus] | Is it ever cold in Africa?
[Geography Focus] | (Y1) Are all animals carnivores? (Y2) What would happen to food chains if there were no plants? [Science Focus] |