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Branston Church of England Infant Academy

'The Best We Can Be'

Little Owl Class Reception


Welcome to Little Owl Class

Little Owl Class is our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Reception Class.

Within Little Owl Class we have two nests: Barn Owls and Tawny Owls.

In Little Owl Class we love to learn and particularly enjoy to explore the outdoors, finding and using natural resources to help us learn new things. We discover through play and use a range of brilliant stories to guide our learning. Our timetable is a combination of child initiated learning and adult led activities. Our wonderful indoor and outdoor learning environment provides endless learning opportunities; we can follow our own interests and access exciting weekly challenges. Adult led learning takes place in small groups or in our nests.


The EYFS Team

Teachers – Mrs Newton (Barn Owls) & Mrs Edey-Walters (Tawny Owls)

Teaching Assistant – Mrs Daw


Term Three


Our Church School Values



Our value this term is KINDNESS. We will learn about kindness through stories, role play and through discussions in our Class Worship and Talking Time sessions.


What will we be learning about?



Week 1 & 2: Winter

We will compare Winter to the other seasons, go on a Winter scavenger hunt, and explore the concept of freezing and melting. We will read some lovely wintry stories to support our learning, such as ‘One Snowy Night’ by Nick Butterworth and ‘The Gruffalo’s Child’ by Julia Donaldson.


Week 3 & 4: Transport

In week 3 we will focus on transport with wheels. We will make bus tickets and use these to role play on a pretend bus ride. We will learn about road safety and conduct a traffic survey. In week 4 we focus on air and water transport.


Week 5 & 6: People Who Help Us

We will find out about the important jobs of firefighters, doctors, nurses, paramedics and police officers. We hope that some people who do these brilliant jobs will come and visit us. We will also learn about other important jobs within the community as the children begin to consider what they would like to do when they grow up…


  • Phonics - Phonics will continue to take place every morning. A new term means a reshuffle of phonics groupings again to ensure that the children are in the suitable group to continue their learning. The children will bring home either a wordless phonics book, a sound blending book, a ditty sheet or a ditty book. They will also bring a library book home that they have chosen from our class selection. Library books are stories to share with adults at home, perhaps at bedtime or over the weekend. These are just for enjoyment and do not need to be recorded in reading diaries.


  • Maths - In daily Maths Fluency sessions we will develop our confidence in subitising by continuing to explore patterns within 5. We will continue to develop accuracy when verbal counting and object counting. We will meet Numberblock 6 and begin to understand that numbers within 10 can be composed of '5 and a bit'. We will compare sets and use the language: more than, fewer than, the same, equal, unequal. In addition to daily Maths Fluency sessions, we will explore measuring size, weight, length and capacity in adult guided groups and independent classroom challenges.


  • PE - PE will continue to take place on Mondays with Mrs Newton & Mrs Edey-Walters, and on Thursdays with Coach Ricky. Please ensure that the children wear their PE kits to school on these days. The PE focus for this term is Gymnastics.


We will share weekly updates of our learning journey with parents on our Class Dojo Story as well as a suggestions for home learning.


Books we will share this term:
