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Branston Church of England Infant Academy

'The Best We Can Be'

Little Owl Class Reception


Welcome to Little Owl Class

Little Owl Class is our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Reception Class.

Within Little Owl Class we have two nests: Barn Owls and Tawny Owls.

In Little Owl Class we love to learn and particularly enjoy to explore the outdoors, finding and using natural resources to help us learn new things. We discover through play and use a range of brilliant stories to guide our learning. Our timetable is a combination of child initiated learning and adult led activities. Our wonderful indoor and outdoor learning environment provides endless learning opportunities; we can follow our own interests and access exciting weekly challenges. Adult led learning takes place in small groups or in our nests.


The EYFS Team

Teachers – Mrs Newton (Barn Owls) & Mrs Edey-Walters (Tawny Owls)

Teaching Assistant – Mrs Daw


Term Six



Our Church School Values 



Our value this term is kindness.


We will learn about kindness through stories, role play and through discussions in our Class Worship and Talking Time sessions.



What are we learning about?




Week 1 & 2: Under the Sea

We will look at the world map and identify where the oceans are, before finding out about the interesting creatures that live within them. We will take part in a science experiment to investigate objects that float and sink. We will read the story of ‘Rainbow Fish’ and think about the characters’ feelings and the importance of sharing. We will also read ‘Somebody Swallowed Stanley’ and discuss sea pollution. We will explore a range of pirate enhancements in the classroom, including making treasure maps and plenty of role play opportunities. Shiver me timbers!


Week 3 & 4: Dinosaurs

We will use nonfiction books to learn that dinosaurs lived in our world a very long time ago in the past. We will be palaeontologists and look at fossils, as well as learn about some of the different dinosaurs that existed. We will learn the words herbivore and carnivore and find out what different dinosaurs liked to eat.In music we will compose some dinosaur music using a range of instruments.


Week 5 & 6: Space

During these weeks our learning will be ‘out of this world!’ We will discover that our planet, Earth is not the only planet in the solar system. We will use nonfiction books to learn about the other planets. Neil Armstrong and Tim Peake will inspire our learning, as we find out about their adventures in Space. In Art we will be painting sky scenes inspired by The Starry Night by Van Gogh. 5,4,3,2,1… Blast off!


Week 7: Summer

As the weather gets hotter, we will be learning about the seasonal changes of Summer. We will use all our senses as we explore the forest area and talk about what we notice. We will also talk about the importance of sun safety. As it is our final week of Little Owls, we will think about our memories of the year and discuss what we can do now that we couldn’t when we started.



Phonics – Phonics will continue to take place every morning. A new term means a reshuffle of phonics groupings again to ensure that the children are in the suitable group to continue their learning.

The children will bring home two Read, Write, Inc books and these will be changed at least once a week. Please can your child practise reading their books with an adult at home several times each week. This will really help to consolidate their learning and develop their reading fluency.

They will also bring a library book home that they have chosen from our class selection. Library books are stories to share with adults at home, perhaps at bedtime or over the weekend. These are just for enjoyment and do not need to be recorded in reading diaries.


Maths - In daily Maths Fluency sessions this term we will review all our learning from the year. We will learn how to use a rekenrek which will help to develop our number sense. We will deepen our understanding of the counting system, number facts (including doubling and halving), and the mathematical relationships within numbers to 10. Through classroom provision we will explore ‘measures’, including length, height and weight.


PE - PE will take place on Mondays with Miss Barker and Miss Edey, and on Thursdays with Coach Ricky and Miss Amira. Please ensure that the children wear their PE kits to school on these days. This term we will be developing lots of skills in preparation for Sports Day!


We will share weekly updates of our learning journey with parents on our Class Dojo Story as well as a Home Learning Guide.  Keep a look out for Little Owls on our School Twitter page too!  


What books will we be sharing?

