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Branston Church of England Infant Academy

'The Best We Can Be'

Little Owl Class Reception


Welcome to Little Owl Class

Little Owl Class is our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Reception Class.

Within Little Owl Class we have two nests: Barn Owls and Tawny Owls.

In Little Owl Class we love to learn and particularly enjoy to explore the outdoors, finding and using natural resources to help us learn new things. We discover through play and use a range of brilliant stories to guide our learning. Our timetable is a combination of child initiated learning and adult led activities. Our wonderful indoor and outdoor learning environment provides endless learning opportunities; we can follow our own interests and access exciting weekly challenges. Adult led learning takes place in small groups or in our nests.


The EYFS Team

Teachers – Miss Barker (Barn Owls) & Miss Edey (Tawny Owls)

Teaching Assistants – Mrs Andrew, Mrs Ainslie, Mrs Hutton and Mrs Wilson


Term Five

Our Church School Value this term is LOVE.

We will learn about love through stories, role play and discussions in our Class Worship and Talking Time sessions. In week 1, we will draw pictures of people we love and think about the ways we show we love someone.


What are we learning about?


Week 1 & 2: Growing

After catching up about everyone’s Easter holiday adventures, we will begin our new topic of Growing by checking on the flowers, vegetables and herbs that we planted last term, which may be ready to be moved into our outside garden. We will read the story ‘Jasper’s Beanstalk’ and write diary entries for Jasper. We will plant our own beans, making sure to provide them with the important things they need to grow.


Week 3 & 4: Minibeasts

We will be mad about minibeasts during this topic! We will share non-fiction books to learn about different minibeasts. We will find out about the life cycle of a butterfly by reading the Very Hungry Caterpillar story. We will make little minibeast homes in cups to add to our large minibeast hotel in the forest area. A real beekeeper will come to visit us to tell us all about the important job of bees... and we will get to try some delicious honey!


Week 5 & 6: Jungles

We will share the story of Elmer and think about our own unique qualities. We will look at the world map and identify where jungles are in the world and compare tropical jungles with our forest area. We will learn about jungle animals, their features and patterns. In Art, we will look at Henri Rousseau’s paintings of jungles and use these to inspire our own jungle paintings. We will learn about Sir David Attenborough and Greta Thunberg, two important people who are passionate about looking after animals and our world.


Phonics - Phonics will continue to take place every morning. A new term means a reshuffle of phonics groupings again to ensure that the children are in the suitable group to continue their learning. The children will bring home either a Read Write Inc ‘ditty sheet’ or a ‘book bag book’. They will also bring a library book home that they have chosen from our class selection. Library books are stories to share with adults at home, perhaps at bedtime or over the weekend. These are just for enjoyment - they do not need to be recorded in reading diaries.

Maths - In daily Maths Fluency sessions will consolidate our counting skills, counting to larger numbers and developing a wider range of counting strategies. In addition to daily Maths Fluency sessions, we will explore shape through adult-guided groups and independent classroom challenges. We will remember the story of the Yeti when we find something tricky.

PE - PE will take place on Mondays with Miss Barker & Miss Edey and on Thursdays with Coach Ricky. Please ensure that the children wear their PE kits to school on these days. The PE focus for this term is Team Games and we hope the weather allows us to go outside for some lessons.


We will share weekly updates of our learning journey with parents on our Class Dojo Story as well as a Home Learning Guide. Keep a look out for Little Owls on our School Twitter page too!  


What books will we be sharing?
