Branston Church of England Infant Academy
'The Best We Can Be'
Our Special Education Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo) is Mrs Cook.
You can contact Mrs Cook via the school office or Class Dojo.
If you have any concerns regarding your child's educational needs then we encourage you to discuss this in the first instance with your child's class teacher who will then ask our SENCO to contact you should you require further advice/support.
Our Local Council member holding the portfolio for SEND is Mrs Janet Wilson.
Lincolnshire Local Offer
This Charity is an independent members organisation overseen by a members elected group of Trustees who are mostly parents and carers of children with disabilities and/or Special Educational Needs. The Volunteer Trustees and Volunteers are responsible for communicating and supporting parent carers and professionals, to participate with strategic decision makers and represent the views of our large membership of parents and carers.
LPCF support families with children with SEND through events, coffee mornings and much more. To contact the charity please go directly to their website:
Admission Arrangements for Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
For information regarding our admission arrangements please see our Admissions Policy on the Policies page of this website.