Branston Church of England Infant Academy
'The Best We Can Be'
At Branston Church of England Academy, we shape our History curriculum to ensure it is fully inclusive to every child. Our aims are to fulfil the requirements of the National Curriculum for History; ensuring the progressive development of History concepts, knowledge and skills.
History is all around us! It is essentially about the study of past events, significant people and change over time.
Our intent, when teaching history, is to ignite in children a curiosity about the past.
At Branston Church of England Infant Academy, our history curriculum is designed to develop our school values:
Love, Kindness, Honesty, Forgiveness, Perseverance and Respect.
Within our History Curriculum:
In the EYFS, History is covered within the specific area of 'Understanding the World', although aspects of historical teaching will naturally occur within other strands.
From discussing the past in relation to themselves and their families, to beginning to understand the impact history has had upon their surroundings and daily lives, the children leave EYFS ready for the next stage of their history journey - curious, questioning and enthusiastic.
In Key Stage One, children learn history skills and knowledge through many different methods, with an emphasis on visual and hands on learning. Using historical artefacts, visitors, workshops and visits to excite and intrigue our children to find out more about events and people from the past. Considering the school's own context, visits to the local area and use of local artefacts, such as maps and photographs are used where possible. Our history content is often backed up via links to the English curriculum through a variety of texts, both fiction and non-fiction.
Children continue building upon their knowledge of chronology by making links to prior learning, enabling children to begin to view events in a wider context and not always necessarily as independent sections of time.
As historians, the vast majority of pupils have learnt key skills that they can use and apply in other areas.
Some pupils have a greater depth of understanding.
Pupils at Branston C of E Academy will know more about significant individuals and historical events in the past.